Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Slaughter in Iran

I am appalled, but not surprised, by the crackdown and bloodshed in Iran. I have such respect for the people who are demonstrating in the face of possible martyrdom. The people of the middle east have something Americans may have had bred out of them: the will to stand up for themselves.

We are letting our government grow exponentially and eat up our personal liberty at an alarming rate. Yet we do very little to stop it.

In Iran they are dying in the streets because they want their votes to be counted. Something as simple as actually counting the votes is worth their lives. What a concept. Shame on this administration for not taking a stand for freedom.

Gov. Sanford

Listening to Bill O'Reilly and I just heard something that I am sure I have heard before but it never resonated with me... Alan Colmes said that yes, Democrats have had affairs, but they don't run on family values platforms.

How simple is that? Just don't talk about supporting what is right and no one will hold you to those standards! Good Grief!

The thing I do not understand is the time line. Apparently the media knew about this affair and did not report it for several months. (Does that mean he came clean because he was being blackmailed into it? You better tell or we are publishing what we know?) Apparently his wife knew about the affair for several months and yet he left his family over Father's Day weekend to spend a last week with the mistress? That makes no sense at all. If you are my spouse, you have cheated and you REALLY want to reconcile, you freakin' pick up the phone and dump the woman long distance. You sure as heck do not get on a plane and spend a final week with her, regardless of your activities!

Here is the deal: The man knows right from wrong. The man messed up politically by not transferring power, and personally by damaging a relationship with his wife that was based on a vow made to God. The man is, face it, a man. Fallible human beings make mistakes. If we are the Judeo-Christian people I believe we are, then we have to forgive. Forgetting? Well I think we leave that up to Jenny Sanford. I doubt Mark will run again for public office, but I think he should stay put and finish his term (unless it is a choice between his office and his marriage).

It is not fair to use the "Bill Clinton did it and didn't have to resign" argument. Each situation is unique. Bill was a repeat offender and we all knew he had been running around most of his adult life. Mark apparently had one misadventure. But wrong is wrong.

Look, if we want perfect public servants we will have to live in anarchy because there are apparently not enough upstanding, moral, wise, perfect men and women to fill the national elected seats in this country. Maybe we need to accept that and move on as a party, because we are not going to find those individuals. But I would rather have someone who knows right from wrong, even if they cannot always live up to it, than someone to equivocates right and left.

I have great respect for Mrs. Sanford. She is doing what is necessary to take care of herself, not playing the "political wife" role that frankly has never made any sense to me. Hillary would have so much more of my respect if she had said, "You know, he is a dog and I have had it with him. My self respect is not worth a White House address."

What I would like to see is a media that will not publish private emails, not send people to Argentina to find the woman and hound her and her family, or shout embarrassing questions at his family.

All in all, its a sad day for many people.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Freedom for the Captain

Like everyone else I have watched to see how the kidnapping of Captain Richard Phillips would be resolved. I don't think it is any secret how much I disagree with President Obama on nearly every issue. I am pleased to with his handling of this issue so far. With no military experience, he was smart enough to defer to his military leaders, give them the leeway to do what they have been trained to do, and allow for a successful conclusion to this specific situation.

I have no idea what he will decide to do with the pirate who was captured, or how he will plan to address the whole "pirate" situation, but I believe you give credit where it is due. He behaved like an America President.

And KUDOS to the American military. This is the impression that the world should see: America is not going to allow this kind of tyranny. Period. Doesn't matter if you are some little squirts with nice weapons in international waters, some sociopath running a wanna be nuclear country (Iran), or a body of mamby-pamby diplomats with no teeth (UN)... you don't mess with America. Period. Not only can we deal with you efficiently, we have no hesitation when it comes to doing so.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tea Parties

Wow! These events have really sprung up everywhere! Lexington Kentucky held an event a few weeks ago. You can see pictures of it at Enraged Conservative.

There are going to be several events on April 15th. I will be attending the Richmond Kentucky Tea Party, on the lawn of the Court House in Downtown Richmond from 12pm-1pm. We understand folks have to work, so we are holding the event at lunch time when we hope most are able to join us. Events are being held all over the state, and the country for that matter.

Lexington will be having their major event on Saturday at Applebee's Park. This is a family event and everyone is welcome to join us.

If you are closer to a large city, I bet there is a demonstration there you can participate in.

Keep in mind- This is not about political party. This is about America. We hired those folks in Washington DC who are spending us into unfathonable debt, taking our Liberty, and imposing unconscionable restraints on our society. They work for us. Its time we made sure they understood, with one voice, that they are not representing our best interests.

If you love America, come and join us. Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, doesn't matter... We need to be heard.

Capitalism vs Socialism

People will work harder to further their own lot than they will when their labors go to a common pot and are distributed "fairly" amongst the community.

People found ways meet needs others would pay for, so they could provide for themselves.

Our Founding Fathers understood that people trade their time (the right to life I believe includes the right to determine how the time we are alive is used) for things they value, like food, shelter, clothing, etc. If they were especially good at something, even without an education, they could and would find ways to use their talents to succeed.

This is still true today. Small business is responsible for the majority of the jobs in America. These are the people who put their time, money and talents on the line to try to build a better future for themselves and their families. Without the small business people in this country we would be in worse economic straits than we find ourselves today.

Sure we have mega-companies. There is nothing wrong with that. They provide jobs and fill needs that are perceived within communities. If they didn't there would not survive. After all, you can choose which grocery store you shop at, where you go to purchase clothing... Heck, Lowe's and Home Depot are a perfect example. Both are large companies, employ thousands of people nationwide, and provide a service (building materials, landscaping, etc). You get to choose which one you trade with (trade being the operative word, as you are trading your time for the money you have earned, and then trading that money for the things you choose to purchase). If the market could not support 2 large home improvement enterprises, then one would fail. But my point is, they may employ a lot of people but most of those you see in Wal-Mart do not work for a mega-company. They work for someone who started small and built up their business.

Not only can I trade my time or talents for things I want, but when I have more than I need I get to choose what to do with the surplus. Maybe I expand my business. Maybe I contribute to a charity, a church, or the family down the street who is struggling. Maybe I save it up so when I am too old to work I still have the means to take care of myself. I have a lot of options dont I?

When we depend on someone else, or something else for our daily needs, we give up some of our Liberty, our right to answer to ourselves and no one else. The problem with this is that once you start giving up little bits of your Liberty its much easier to give up more and more. Soon we find we have given up something that was bestowed by God without realizing how valuable it was until it was too late.

So the lesson here is take control of your life. Decide what you want, and figure out legal ways to get it. Do you want to live somewhere else? You are not tied to a specific place unless you choose to be. Do you value education and want to go to school? Its possible, but it will take work. You might qualify for grants or loans, you might choose to work extra jobs to pay your way. I am not saying its easy. Its not. I learned the hard way if you do something because you believe it is expected of you, and not because your heart is really in it, your risk of failure goes up exponentially. But if you believe in yourself, if you believe in your enterprise, you can succeed. Its hard, but if you want it you can make it happen.

If you don't believe you can use your Liberty to better your circumstances, I strongly recommend you read My Grandfather's Son by Justice Clarence Thomas. This man's journey took him from abject poverty to sit on the highest court in the land and he did it with hard work and perseverance. Did he have a mentor or two along way, sure. But no one handed him integrity, a strong work ethic, or the ability to reason and pursue his dreams. He was taught to value those things, to develop them. I have more respect for him than I can put into words. If a young poor black man can do what he has done, how can I complain about the lot in life I have created?

The point here is... guard your Liberty and use it to better yourself. If you do not, you may wake up one day and find that you are just like everyone else, and there is nothing you can do about it!!

There will be more, but my daughter wants to use the computer :) I need to cut her some slack, its Spring Break LOL.

Coming back to Earth

I haven't posted for a while.

Frankly I have been so emotionally affected by the events of the last month or so that its just not been possible to put my thoughts to paper (so to speak). Glen Beck calls this effect having blood shoot from your eyes. Its just been overwhelming. I am regaining my equilibrium, so I am back, and I think its time for a quick history lesson. In these events are really important political concepts, which I have highlighted.

First, the Mayflower Experiment. Those who came to the New World agreed to certain rules about how their society would be run. One of the things that they agreed to was that everyone would work to gather and raise food. It would go into a common "store" and it would be available as it was needed by the participants. Nifty idea, everyone works, everyone benefits. (AKA Socialism) Unfortunately, human nature kicked in. Some people realized they could go to the "store" without having worked to contribute to the goods. In reality it turned out that there was not enough food for the people who needed it.

So, they changed the rules. Instead of working for the common good, each individual was provided with a specific plot of land and they were able to keep all the food they were able to produce on their tract of land. This worked out much better. People worked hard and provided for themselves. Some even had extra and shared with those unable to do for themselves. Amazingly they discovered the secret to success for the greatest country in history: People will work harder to further their own lot than they will when their labors go to a common pot and are distributed "fairly" amongst the community.

Later, as the country's population grew, cities were established. After all, we are not all cut out to be farmers. Some people ran taverns (the equivalent of early American restaurants), others were blacksmiths or glass blowers. Newspapers sprung up, doctors and dentist setup practice. People found ways meet needs others would pay for, so they could provide for themselves. In this way they could trade their time (either a service, a labor, or the fruit of their labor) for the goods they needed to live. Welcome Capitalism to the New World!

Funny thing about earning your own money. You just don't want someone else to tell you how to spend it. The United States of America exists because a group of individuals decided that no one -even a King- should be deciding how to spend their money, or run their lives, without someone involved in the decisions representing the them. You remember this phrase from US History right? No Taxation without Representation.

Most of the names you remember from Revolutionary history started out as loyal Englishmen. They didn't want to break away from England, the just wanted the King to see them as participating subjects with a say in legal affairs, and not as an endless source of revenue with nothing in return. The King was not predisposed to take their opinions into consideration, and kept insisting that he had the right to appropriate their money without their agreement.

Now if you have ever worked and earned money, you can understand why this was not acceptable to people. They had a Tea Party, instigated boycotts as a means of civil disobedience; eventually when it became unbearable, broke out the muskets and went to war to protect their right to determine their own fate. Inherent sovereignty is a big deal to Americans.

When the war was over, and America was a fledgling nation, it was necessary to develop a system of government. It took a long time, many arguments and speeches. The founding fathers developed a government that had never been tried in quite the same way anywhere else. It was pretty easy to decide what they did not want: no more despots-there needed to be a balance of powers, and everyone involved needed to answer to the people. That is a bit simplistic, but still speaks to their thinking.

It was important to them that no part of government be able to intimidate the other parts, or wrest power from them. Balance is the key to success. Yes the Legislature makes laws, the Executive does not. The Judicial does not. On the other hand, the Judicial interprets the laws and ensures they are Constitutional. So the Legislature can make all the laws they want to but if they are not Constitutional then the Judicial will strike them down. The Executive can't interpret the law. It can sign a law into existance, or veto it. But it cannot write or interpret the law. Balance. No branch of government gets ALL the power. This is one of the really important concepts of our government.

They also believed deeply in the power of the individual. They built this entire system of government with belief that each person has the power to determine their own fate. In other words, if you work hard you can be or do anything. The only real limits on your success are put in place by your willingness/unwillingness to do what is necessary to get what you want. At the time our country came into being there was some serious class demarcation. People were either wealthy or poor. There wasn't much in between. They were either educated or ignorant, and most were ignorant because there was little formal education available for the common man. Still, the founders believed that people were clever and industrious and would find a way to better their lot in life if they were willing to apply themselves.

Because they believed so much in the individual it was necessary to put extreme limits on the government. This is why the 10th Amendment says:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

In other words, Federal Government has its place. There are specific things it can and should do. Everything else belongs to the States and to the People. After all, the individual knows best what is needed in his home, his community, his part of the country. Local oversight will address local issues. We can take care of ourselves pretty well, thank you, and we do not need the Federal Government involved in every aspect of our lives. When we allow the government to take on our responsibilities we relinquish our Liberty.

Next I want to look at how these important political concepts are important today.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Twenty Minutes with Michael Steele

Congratulations to Michael Steele, newly elected head of the Republican National Committee. I liked him when he was running for the Maryland Senate seat, and I like him still. If I could have 20 minutes of his time, this is what I would suggest to revitalize the RNC:

1. PR
Republicans must get some truly savvy PR support. Lets face it. The Democrat Party has outdone us on this one. They know how to shape public perception. Irregardless of the truth, they are able to mobilize in such a way that they can make the story what they want it to be. A perfect recent example is the housing crisis. President Bush, through various members of Congress attempted, tried multiple times during 8 years, to introduce legislation which would add regulation to the Housing/Banking industry. Thanks to C SPAN (which, lets face it, very few people actually watch) and You Tube (which is significantly more popular) I was able to watch footage of Senate committee hearings in which Franklin Raines was all but declared the most capable man in finance. I thought Maxine Walters was going to drool all over herself praising this man who contributed significantly to the problems we have today. However, when the housing "bubble" burst all you heard on the news was that George Bush did this to America by opposing regulation of the industry. A plain, and bold faced lie, but it didnt matter because the Democrat machine, not just members but also the mainstream media, had swung into action. (Yes it is quite a bit more complicated than that, but its a good example nonetheless. Check out this article to see a well laid out time line: and decide for yourself who is really at fault here.) Another good example is the outrageousness of the media's behavior and inaccurate reporting about Sarah Palin during the campaign. Acting very much as the PR representative of then candidate Obama, every rumor was treated as gospel truth and report as such. What happened to her was shameful and should not ever be allowed to happen again. We can stop that by creating an effective PR machine.

We have women, minorities, and yes-white men-who came from nothing but worked hard and have achieved great things. Do a series of commercials, advertisements, etc sharing their journeys and let them give tips on how to be successful. Imagine this- with pictures for emphasis: "Hi, I am Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. For the first few years of my life I lived in a shack with no indoor plumbing and never wore shoes most of the year. My mom couldn't support me or my brother so we went to live with my grandfather who taught me some valuable lessons about what it means to be a man, be a citizen of this country, and my responsibilities to both of those jobs. He taught me.... x, y, z. No it doesn't sound like a lot of fun, I will admit, but it served me well later when I...Because I worked very hard in school I was able to go to Yale, and by the way I was still paying off my student loans when I joined the Supreme Court! If _I_ can do it, so can you."

Suddenly we would be a party of people who have achieved prominence but come from lives to which the average American can relate. Imagine how that could affect the young men and women of our country? We could show the country a whole new (to them) face of the Republican Party. We are not just the party of old white men, and its time we started show the country the real faces of moderate and conservative Republicans.

2. Language
Republicans must define the language used to communicate our values. The American Public is well educated. A significant number of us have been to college, and a large percentage actually left with a degree. However most of us were educated at a liberal arts school, which all too frequently means that those standing in front of the class are actually politically liberal. Conservatives need to learn to speak in a way that conveys what conservatism really means so the public can easily understand and identify with those principles.

We also need to educate citizens about the language of politics. Progressive doesn't mean forward thinking. It is the term liberals have adopted to label themselves because "liberal" gives off bad vibes. Its that whole packaging thing, see item #1. Its the inherent language of labels: Anti-abortion or Pro-choice? The labels themselves make a clear value judgment about your stand on the issue. Too often we speak the same language that liberals use, but totally different dictionaries are in play. The RNC can and should be a vital part of re-educating and re-defining the language of the party.

3. Understanding who your "base" really is
Pollsters will tell you that white men are basically conservative, as are the elderly, the religious, and upper income business executives. The minority populations are basically liberal, as are young adults and low to middle income households. Maybe so. But I can tell you that I talked with more than a few life long Democrats who are holding tight to a label that no longer represents them. I have family members who said to me, "I have never voted for a republican. I don't like my candidate but I just dont know if I can vote for a republican!" They hang on to their understanding of what the Democrat party used to be, but cant quite find a way to reconcile what it has become. Unfortunately the Republican party has not articulated their stance in ways that these folks can identify with, so they also cant make themselves cross party affiliation.

Take my Mom for example. She is a life long Democrat. However, she is fiscally conservative, would reform the prison system, social security and welfare, supports the death penalty, is anti-abortion, and believes the government should be less intrusive in the lives of Americans. Sounds pretty conservative to me and diametrically opposed to just about everything that the Democrat party espouses. My father in law, a lifelong Democrat, has expressed many of the same issues Mom has. He has identified so fully with the party that while he was living his life and raising his kids he didn't realize how much the party had changed. Now that it is becoming more obvious, its become a real challenge to decide what/who to support. The habits of a lifetime are hard to walk away from.

4. Money
We have to return to our fiscally conservative roots. As we have seen time and time again in politics, money talks. I did not like Bill Clinton, but I will give him props for one thing. The man found a way to balance the budget. Now...much of his ability to do so was from groundwork laid by Ronald Reagan, and he had a Republican Congress to help him, but he didn't pull a Nancy Pelosi and go whole hog with spending. He spent, but he paid down the debt. I have so much more respect for George Bush, but he allowed us to spend more than we had. Yes we had to rebuild our military while fighting a war, and that is usually increases a budget, but it got a bit out of hand. At my house, if you have to spend more, say on car repairs, then you have to spend less on food and clothing for a while. We don't have the option of just spending more and more, and never paying the bill.

If you want to bring constituents across the isle to join the RNC, do something really radical. Make it our priority to ensure people get to keep as much of their money as possible. Not just businesses, not just the top 5% of taxpayers. Include those soccer moms, and the folks who are trying to get off of welfare and be contributing members of society. Make it a matter of personal pride again to be self sufficient and a matter of public pride that we have a government who understands how to be responsible with money. Not only will you be speaking to your current base, those silent majority Americans, but also introducing the truth of the parties priorities to those who should be with us already but believe the common lie (Republicans are all middle aged white people who "cling to guns and religion".).

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Compromise to the tune of Trillions

There are many things about the "stimulus" bill that concern me. Today I am struck by the idea that we have elected people to represent us who believe that following the traditional rules of lawmaking is no longer advisable. They don't sit down with members of the opposite party and try to craft a piece of legislation that is viable. Instead they do the Gollum dance (my preciousss....mine, all mine.... ), hog the process (pun intended), and produce a bill that has enough pork to give this great country a massive heart attack.

Nancy Pelosi and her cronies went into a room, shut the door and didn't allow any opposition input. It was a bill chock full of pork because they saw it as a chance to get everything they ever wanted under the guise of an economic emergency. Then they wrung their hands and fretted over the fact that it was getting bipartisan support. Well Madam Speaker, if you want support you can't arrogantly dismiss the concerns of the other side while you force feed your unabated agenda down their throats. It just doesn't work that way. Then they forced a vote before anyone had time to really study the bill and know what it said!

House Republicans were brave and strong and they said NO. I was so proud of them.

Now, the House of Representatives generally moves in a more expedient fashion than the Senate. Maybe this is because they feel the pressure of time more accutely (after all, they have to be re-elected every 2 years and they need to be able to show their folks back home they actually DID something in Washington). The Senate (having 6 years between elections) is better known for debate and due consideration. I thought we might be getting there when they announced a bi-partisan ad hoc committee. However, its looking like I was mistaken.

By the way....if you weren't in the meetings you don't really know whats in THIS bill either! Where is the transparency that we were promised? Pray, tell me how this is ethical? You want to spend TRILLIONS of dollars that DO NOT BELONG TO YOU and you have not told anyone how it is to be spent? Then the fearmongering begins. You must pass it NOW or the world will end. The President is out telling everyone that time is of the essence. So now they want to spend all that money and they dont want anyone to take the time to read the bill and understand where the cash is going? Their cavalier attitude is just frightening.

There are a couple of Republican senators that are going to go along with this "compromise", even though it really is not a compromise. It appears that when the bill came to the Senate, it was loaded up even higher with pork and THAT is what has been cut. Any Republican who votes for this compromise insults the honor and strength that the House Republicans, and those Democrats who parted with their party (more of them than Republicans who it appears will sign off on this revised compromise by the way).

The spin is that the bill is 48% tax cuts and 52% spending. When I see MY taxes cut 48% I will believe it.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Economic Stimulus

Time for full disclosure... I am NOT an economist! Actually I don't believe I know anyone in that line of work either. Having said that, I am also not stupid. I understand that people spend money when they:
1. have a disposable income (more than it takes to pay the required bills like housing, heat, gas, water, food) and
2. when they feel reasonably sure that they will continue to have enough income to pay the bills and still have some money to play with.

I keep reading about how Republicans want more tax cuts and how Democrats want more spending in the economic stimulus. While we all know that a Frisbee golf course is clearly pork not everyone understands why it is that tax cuts are important. one is spelling it out for the American public. Mitt Romney has a great piece on CNN and at the top of his "how to fix it" list is to cut taxes. Commentary: Stimulate the economy, not government But he doesn't really spell out WHY. Conservatives have to be better at explaining things, without speaking down to people, so they understand what we have already figured out.

We don't need the government to create enough jobs for those of us who are suddenly without one. I have been working for more than 20 years and never once have I worked for the federal government. I bet most people have not either. We don't need government to do this for us, we just need them to not impede our ability to create jobs so people have a way to earn a living.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Force feeding stimulus

Remember, these are ramblings :)

We have a President who thinks that leadership is done by scaring the American public. Hes been on television saying that if we dont pass this outrageous "stimulus" bill that the world is ending. President Chicken Little.... shame on him. Why are we trying to pass a bill to spend money on things we dont need?

And we have to hurry according to President Obama. Don't talk, don't think, after all... someone has already done all that for you (thanks Nanny State). Just pass the bill already! Never mind that it has just come to light that the Fed paid WAY too much money for the bank assets that have already been purchased. This kind of STUPID TAX (to borrow a phrase from Dave Ramsey) happens when you get in a hurry and don't take the time to understand and research your actions.

Then my own Senator, Mitch McConnell, comes out with a compromise that isnt much better.

I have an idea... why dont we stop trying to fix it and let the public make it right? If we think a business is failing, we either invest in it en masse or we back off and it fails. That doesnt meant that every business goes down the tubes.

This cant be fixed in Washington unless we vote everyone out of office and elect a bunch of people who really know how to make business work. People from successful businesses, and economists who actually look at the historical behavior of the markets and what brought about health or illness therein.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg just had surgery for pancreatic cancer. While she and I do not share political persepective I certain am saddened to hear about her illness. They are saying today that the dr's have removed a small tumor. My personal thought:I pray that resolves this and she is restored to full health. My political thought: Better the devil you know, and while she is arguably the most liberal justice on the bench, she is the one we know. I shudder to think who our president would consider to replace her should the need arise.

OH man! Harry Reid says they are going to vote this afternoon...and he is not going to consider the moderates alternative plan, which is being worked out even as I type. If this must pass, I think that would be the best thing for the Republican means that the Democrats would totally own this mess. However, it would be the worst thing for the county. They are going to make this a bigger mess by rushing. So now I am wondering if the Republicans will take a lesson from the Democrats play book? Someone should be gathering sound clips, and building commercials to remind people constantly that the Democrats rammed this through over the objections of the moderates in both parties, and the American Public.

Sigh! what a mess.