Thursday, February 5, 2009

Force feeding stimulus

Remember, these are ramblings :)

We have a President who thinks that leadership is done by scaring the American public. Hes been on television saying that if we dont pass this outrageous "stimulus" bill that the world is ending. President Chicken Little.... shame on him. Why are we trying to pass a bill to spend money on things we dont need?

And we have to hurry according to President Obama. Don't talk, don't think, after all... someone has already done all that for you (thanks Nanny State). Just pass the bill already! Never mind that it has just come to light that the Fed paid WAY too much money for the bank assets that have already been purchased. This kind of STUPID TAX (to borrow a phrase from Dave Ramsey) happens when you get in a hurry and don't take the time to understand and research your actions.

Then my own Senator, Mitch McConnell, comes out with a compromise that isnt much better.

I have an idea... why dont we stop trying to fix it and let the public make it right? If we think a business is failing, we either invest in it en masse or we back off and it fails. That doesnt meant that every business goes down the tubes.

This cant be fixed in Washington unless we vote everyone out of office and elect a bunch of people who really know how to make business work. People from successful businesses, and economists who actually look at the historical behavior of the markets and what brought about health or illness therein.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg just had surgery for pancreatic cancer. While she and I do not share political persepective I certain am saddened to hear about her illness. They are saying today that the dr's have removed a small tumor. My personal thought:I pray that resolves this and she is restored to full health. My political thought: Better the devil you know, and while she is arguably the most liberal justice on the bench, she is the one we know. I shudder to think who our president would consider to replace her should the need arise.

OH man! Harry Reid says they are going to vote this afternoon...and he is not going to consider the moderates alternative plan, which is being worked out even as I type. If this must pass, I think that would be the best thing for the Republican means that the Democrats would totally own this mess. However, it would be the worst thing for the county. They are going to make this a bigger mess by rushing. So now I am wondering if the Republicans will take a lesson from the Democrats play book? Someone should be gathering sound clips, and building commercials to remind people constantly that the Democrats rammed this through over the objections of the moderates in both parties, and the American Public.

Sigh! what a mess.

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